最近,笔者在开展银行抵押贷款业务调查中,发现我们基层银行在办理抵押贷款时,有的抵押贷款占抵押值比例超过70%的规定,个别的甚至超过90%,且抵押物是否真正“适销”实用也大有文章,这样容易诱发借款人逃债现象的发生。因此,必须引起各级银行的高度重视。 银行选择
Recently, I conducted a bank mortgage business survey, found that our grassroots banks in the mortgage loan, some mortgage loans accounted for more than 70% of the proportion of the provisions of mortgages, even more than 90% of individual and whether the collateral is truly “marketable ”There are also practical articles, so easy to induce borrowers to escape the phenomenon. Therefore, we must arouse the great attention of banks at all levels. Bank choice