认真履行财政职能 促进市域经济发展

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讷河市位于松嫩平原北端,是一个典型的农业县,全国百名产粮大县之一。多年来,我市“农业大,工业小、三产弱”的经济状况没有得到根本转变,国有工业长期低速运行,没有立市型企业,财政对农业的依赖性较大。特别是实行分税制财政体制以来,由于上解的增加和减收增支政策的不断出台,与我省其他县市一样,财政肩负着吃饭与建设的双重任务。在这种形势下,我市财政局在市委、市政府的正确领导下,在新班子的带动下,认真执行国家财政方针政策,充分履行财政职能,扎实工作,开拓进取,为市域经济的发展做出了较大的贡献。2002年市财政收入实行19,348万元,比1994 Nehe City is located in the northern end of the Songnen Plain, is a typical agricultural county, one of the country’s 100 grain-producing counties. Over the years, the economic conditions in our city such as “big agriculture, small industry and weak tertiary industry” have not been fundamentally transformed. The state-owned industry has been operating at a low speed for a long period of time. There is no municipal establishment and the finance relies more on agriculture. Especially since the implementation of the tax-sharing fiscal system, fiscal policy has shouldered the dual task of food and construction, as the other counties and cities in our province have continued to issue due to the increasing promulgation of policies and the policy of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. Under such circumstances, under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government and under the leadership of the new team, the Finance Bureau of our city earnestly implemented the guidelines and policies of the state finance, fully performed its financial functions, worked hard and forge ahead so as to promote the development of the urban economy Made a greater contribution. In 2002, the municipal fiscal revenue was 193.48 million yuan, more than in 1994
甘薯天蛾即旋花天蛾(Herse convolvuli Linn-aeus)以在在安徽很少发生,1961年以来,宿县、阜阳两地区为害趋向严重,是甘薯生产上需要解决的问题。 为了摸清发生规律和防治方
1958年6月我在西安市国营草滩农场,发现甜菜的茎秆有枯裂现象,用手剥开内有幼虫及成虫,经鉴定为甜菜茎象(虫甲)(Lixus subtilis Sturm.),被害严重的植株茎秆折断,提前枯死,