Reasons: Comprehensive approval of the summary of the year-end 1995 report by each courtyard. Presidents of each Chamber Presidents of all counties (cities) People’s Courts: Final report of the year-end work of 1950 was received. In addition to the separately approved replies, we will give a general overview of the problems and provide a reference for all localities. Basically, in the light of the major tasks of the courts over the past year in suppressing the counterrevolutionary activities, safeguarding the country’s economic construction and maintaining social order and in consolidating the people’s democratic dictatorship, Achievements such as recent decline in enemy flames, rising popularity, praise from the masses in the anti-government work of the town and considerable achievements in building up and improving the anti-retrofitting judicial work of organizations and organizations are the result of hard work over the past year. However, Policy and work style, there are still many shortcomings and mistakes, Shang Xi practical attention and correction in the future.