孕妇26岁,住院号2863.1987年5月6日夜突发腰痛,阴道出血,继而头晕眼花,心慌,口渴,于5月7日入本院治疗.孕2产1,孕32周,末次月经1986年9月24日,停经后无妊娠反应,孕4个月始有胎动,孕期身体健康.查体:T36.2℃,P96次/分,R20次/分,Bp 6.65/OkPα,脉搏细弱,面色苍白,神志清楚,表情淡漠,四肢冰冷.心肺正常,腹部膨隆,无压痛及反跳痛.子宫底脐上3指,无宫缩,胎儿臀位,无胎心音,外阴及软产道无损伤,宫口未开,有鲜血从阴道流出.
Pregnant women 26 years old, hospitalization 2863. May 6, 1987 night burst of low back pain, vaginal bleeding, and then dizziness, palpitation, thirst, into our hospital on May 7. Pregnancy and 2 births 1, 32 weeks of pregnancy, the last menstrual 1986 September 24, no pregnancy reaction after menopause, pregnancy 4 months before fetal movement, physical health during pregnancy. Physical examination: T36.2 ℃, P96 beats / min, R20 beats / min, Bp 6.65 / OkPα, pulse weak, Pale, conscious, apathy, cold limbs, normal heart and lungs, bulging abdomen, no tenderness and rebound tenderness. Uterus at the end of the umbilical 3 fingers, no contractions, fetal breech, no fetal heart sound, vulva and soft birth canal Injury, cervix is not open, blood from the vagina outflow.