山西果树卷叶缀叶蛾类研究Ⅰ 黄斑长翅卷蛾的研究

来源 :山西农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woxiangtoucai
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一前言我省果区为害严重的卷叶、缀叶蛾类,实包括很多科别的种类。长期以来缺乏调查研究,以至种类不清、分布不明和生物学特性模糊,造成生产上防治工作的困难。我们自1962年开始此项研究工作,到1981年止(文化大革命运动的十年除外),先后进行了:(1)区系分布调查,(2)生物学特性考察,(3)综合防治试验。在区系调查方面, A preface I province fruit area serious damage to the leaf roll, leaf moth decoration, in fact, including many other types of subjects. For a long time, the lack of investigation and research, as well as unclear species, unknown distribution and biological characteristics of the fuzzy, resulting in prevention and control of production difficulties. We started this research work in 1962. Until 1981, except for the ten years of the Great Cultural Revolution, we conducted surveys on the distribution of fauna, (2) biological characteristics, (3) integrated control trials . In the area of ​​investigation,
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