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鹿纪宪、鹿红霞父女是山东省淄博市沂源县南麻镇东沙沟村农民,今年3月2日到县蔬菜局蔬菜服务中心购买“座瓜灵”,由于无货,售货员介绍“2,4—D”农药,说比“座瓜灵”的效果还好,于是买了10片。售货人员卖给“2,4—D”农药时没有给使用说明书,也没有介绍使用方法。第二天鹿氏父女把药喷施在黄瓜秧上后,瓜秧逐渐萎缩,叶面卷曲并开始枯死。他们立即去县蔬菜局和服务中心反映,局领导派技术员到现场察看,确认为农药中毒,经抢救无效,致使近0.5亩黄瓜绝产。在交涉无效的情况下,鹿家父女抱着试试看的心理,8月11日投诉于沂源县法院,于9月中旬进行了公开审理。法庭认为,被告县蔬菜服务中心在卖给原告农药时,未给使用说明书与介绍使用方法,造成0.5亩黄瓜农药中毒,导致 Deji Jixian and Lu Hongxia father and daughter are farmers in Dongshagou Village, Nanma Town, Yiyuan County, Zibo City, Shandong Province. On March 2, this year, they went to the vegetable service center of the County Vegetable Bureau to purchase the “seat melon”. Because of the lack of goods, 2,4-D “pesticides, said” seat melon spirit, “the effect is better, so bought 10. Sales staff sold to ”2,4-D" pesticides did not give instructions, nor did they introduce the use of methods. The next day, Lu’s father and daughter sprayed the medicine on the cucumber seedling, the melon seedling gradually shrank, the leaves curled and started to die. They immediately went to the County Vegetable Bureau and the service center to reflect that the bureau chief technicians went to the scene for observation and confirmed that it was pesticide poisoning. After the rescue failed, nearly 0.5 mu of cucumber was produced. In the case of invalid negotiations, deer father and daughter holding the psychological test, August 11 complaints in Yiyuan County Court, in mid-September conducted a public hearing. The court held that the defendant County Vegetable Service Center sold the plaintiff pesticides, did not give instructions and introduce the use of instructions, resulting in 0.5 acres of cucumber pesticide poisoning, resulting in
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一  8岁的小华挎着篮子,漫无目的的沿着村后的小树林边走,篮子里散放着几株小草。而树林边,草长得到处都是,她却不停下来拔。奶奶的话好像被她忘到了九霄云外,奶奶说到黑天你要是装不满篮子,就别回来吃饭了。小华来到村外的河边,河水潺潺,水草丰美。她往河对岸张望,却看不到边,她试了试从石头上过,石头在脚下滑动了一下,差点把她摔倒。她吓得赶紧倒回来。  小华又挎起篮子,回到村里。走着走着,就到了村西头。看见