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  Jesse McCartney: Right Here We Want Him
  Jesse McCartney grew up in New York. In the 1970s, his parents were actors in New York City, but like many artists, worked in restaurants to 1)make ends meet. After leaving the city, the two staged annual productions that featured members of the family. Their passion for performing 2)rubbed off on their son.
  When he started to act, McCartney was very new to the whole thing, but he really trusted his parents and their belief in him. “Trusting them is what really drove me to decide that “I’ve got to do this’,” he recalled.
  By age 7, he was appearing in stage 3)musicals. He was a 4)regular on a 5)soap opera when he was 11. At 12, he had a role on Broadway. Then when he was 15, McCartney arrived in Hollywood to 6)test the waters.
  “I knew Jesse as an actor, but he was always studying other 7)genres and having his hand in other things,” a co-worker said. “When he left the show, my wife said that there was something about that kid. He’s going to 8)take off.”
  Following the impressive success of his former album, Beautiful Soul, it took McCartney a whole year to release his new one, Right Here You Want Me, which, according to McCartney himself, has 9)embraced more personal experiences and thoughts. Though some critics are doubtful about the outcome, the teen superstar is quite 10)optimistic about the future.
  “I’m just excited to see where I’m going to go next,” he said. “It’s just a big 11)roller coaster for me, and I am having a great time.”
  Talking with Jesse
  Fan A: Hi. I’m Juliana and I just skipped school.
  Jesse McCartney: You just skipped school!? Oh man……
  Fan A: Mm hmm. And my question is how do you like singing?
  JM: How do I like it? I love it! Do you want to be a singer?
  Fan A: Yes.
  JM: Yes? You got to do it. It’s the best job in the world. It’s so much fun.
  Fan B: My question is, if you were not acting and not singing, what do you think you’d be doing right now?
  JM: You know, I don’t know, I probably…I’d probably be —— yeah, that’s a good question ——probably…maybe behind the camera…directing, producing.
  Fan C: I know there are a lot of people here who are really excited to see you, so, have you ever been just, like, really 12)star-struck?
  JM: That’s a good question. Yes, I have. When, back a couple of years ago I opened up for Britney Spears. We were at —— we did a concert with her in Miami —— and my heart sunk so bad, like, I couldn’t even breathe, like, I felt like I wanted to just go in my room and just, like, take a 13)nap because I was so weak after seeing her and meeting her. She was really cool. Totally, yeah, I know the feeling, man, it’s pretty cool. It’s pretty cool to see some stars.

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听力小提示:本文发音清晰,语速适中,但由于文中涉及的词语对中学生而言比较生疏,而且复合句型较多,因此对同学们的听力可是一大挑战哦。建议先通读全文,对文章内容先作大致了解,再听声音,以便加深记忆。  还记得周杰伦的《爱在西元前》吗?每次听到这首歌,感觉时间好像一下子跨越了几千年,把人带到一片遥远而神秘的地方——美索不达米亚。这片深埋在时间流沙的地方曾经孕育出人类最早的文明之一。那么美索不达米亚在哪里
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