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新当选的湖北省省委书记俞正声在谈到新一届省委班子的重要任务时提出,爱护和培育企业是当前群众最大的利益,湖北省委、省政府将进一步转变观念,深化各项改革,为企业发展创造优良环境。企业是市场的主体,政府要尊重、爱护、培育市场主体,要以服务企业为荣。增加农民收入,要靠龙头企业,要靠发展农副产品加工业;解决下岗职工生活困难,就要搞好再就业,最终也要靠办好企业。很多领导同志由于“官本位”思想作怪,把自己看得比企业高,不是主动服务企业,而是等着企 When addressing the important task of the new provincial party committee, Yu Zhengsheng, newly elected secretary of Hubei Provincial Party Committee, pointed out that protecting and nurturing enterprises is the greatest interest of the masses at present. Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Government will further change their concepts and deepen various reforms , For the development of enterprises to create a good environment. Enterprises are the main body of the market. The government should respect, care for and nurture the main body of the market and should be proud of serving the enterprises. Increasing the income of peasants depends on the leading enterprises and depends on the development of the agricultural and sideline products processing industry. To solve the hardships of laid-off workers, it is necessary to do a good job of re-employment and, ultimately, rely on running enterprises well. Many leading comrades as “official standard ” ideological trouble, see yourself higher than the business, not to take the initiative to serve the business, but waiting for the price
《再见了,亲人》是一曲中朝人民友谊的颂歌,文章在提炼典型,抒发感情方面很有艺术特色。 一、找准角度,提炼典型 中朝人民的友谊是在战火硝烟,枪林弹雨中用鲜血和生命凝结而
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唐代有位高官叫杨损,很有学问,会算学,任人唯贤,一次,朝廷要在两个小官吏中提拔一个,因为这两人的政绩不相上下,所以负责选拔工作的官吏感到很为难,便去请示杨损。  杨损略加思索便说:“他们都曾在国子监学过《九章算术》,一个官员应该具备的一大技能就是会速算,让我出题考考他们,谁算得快,就提升谁,”两个小官吏被召来后,杨损当众出了这样一道题:“有人在树林中散步,无意中听到几个强盗在商讨如何分赃,他们说,
目的 探讨直肠癌手术后早期肠梗阻的临床特点和手术时机。方法 回顾分析直肠癌手术 40 8例术后早期肠梗阻 2 6例的临床资料。结果  2 1例经手术探查发现以机械性梗阻占多