正是桃花嫣红时节。我们沐着久雨初晴后和煦的春晖,造访了三千里沅江风烟犹在的伏波故道。 游艇离黄闻矶。潇汀八景之一的“渔村夕照”白鳞洲横卧船头,芳洲古渡,白帆飘摇。屈原漂泊沅芷,曾在此《涉江》行吟;“乘舲船余上沅兮,齐吴榜以击汰。船容与而不进兮,淹回水凝滞。”沅江,既是战国屈原流放所经之地,也是东汉马援征蛮所到之处。 船至沙萝溪,南岸众山腾涌,江边一峰跃波而立,似雄鸡独步。俗称鸡公崖。传说桃源仙鸡专吃害虫毒
It is peach blossoming season. We Mu warm spring after the early spring clear Chunhui, visited the Sanjiang Lijiang smoke still in the Fubo old course. Yacht from Yellow Rock. Xiaoting one of the Eight Kingdoms “fishing village sunset” Whitehead recumbent bow, Fong Chau old ferry, white sail sway. Qu Yuan wandering Yuan Ge, has been in this “Yin Jiang” line Yin; “Take the boat Yu Shang Yuan Xi, Qi Wu Bang to eliminate the ship with and not Xi, flooded the water stagnate.” Yuanjiang, both Warring States Quyuan exile After the land, but also the Eastern Han Dynasty Ma Yuan conspiracy to wherever he goes. Ship to Sa Luoxi, south shore mountains surging, waterfront peak Yuebo stand, like a rooster alone. Commonly known as the chicken cliff. Legend Taoyuan cents eat pest poison