
来源 :中国学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhao03
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教育的责任与境界究竟是什么?每当面对着天真活泼的孩子们,我总会这样反复追问自己。而在教学实践和反思中,总有一些让人回味的故事,让自己久久不能忘记,被留在了记忆中,其中,就有我与飞飞的故事。友情相约——咱们共同努力开学第一周,组织学生身高体重的测试。周三,六(1)班的学生正在有序地在进行体重测试。当飞飞走向体重秤时,同学们“哗”的一下围聚过来,调皮的小唐嚷开了:“老师,我担心体重秤会给飞飞压坏,他可是我班最胖的男生哦。”“就是啊,他那么胖,体重称会承受不起的呀。”……议论声此起彼伏,体重秤前的飞飞满脸通红,尴尬得不知所措,额头上竟冒出了细细的汗珠。我的眼前不由浮现出飞飞上体育课的情景:慵懒怕动,对于课上的各项练习,要么敷衍了事,要么寻找各种理由逃脱,以至 What is the responsibility and realm of education? Whenever faced with naive children, I always ask myself repeatedly. In teaching practice and reflection, there are always some memorable stories, so that I can not forget for a long time, was left in memory, of which, there is my story with Feifei. Friendship - we work together to start the first week, the organization of height and weight test students. On Wednesday, six (1) students are doing weight tests in an orderly manner. When Feifei walked to the scales, the students “Wow ” a bit come together, naughty Little Tang cried: “Teacher, I’m worried weight scales will fly Fei crushed, but he is the most fat in my class Oh boy, he is so fat and weighed that we can not afford to die. ”" There was a lot of talk between the scales and the flying scales in front of the scales, flushed and embarrassed. Appeared thin sweat. My eyes could not help but emerge from the scene of flying physical education classes: lazy afraid, for the practice of the class, either perfunctory, or find a variety of reasons to escape, and even
1.挂档难 ,摘档也难一台新的小四轮拖拉机 ,在使用中出现了二档难挂 ,三档难摘的故障。为此拨动变速杆变换档位进行检查 ,感到变速杆比较沉重 ,但未卡死。又打开变速箱盖检查
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今天的苏州一中校园风景如画,处处流溢着江南园林的意蕴,已成为一所多元化、精品化、国际化的优质教育集团。学校拥有一支由江苏省首批教 Today, one of the picturesque ca
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人们对小型柴油机的启动与熄火重视不够 ,认为影响不大 ,其实不然 ,小型柴油机启动与熄火应注意以下几个问题。1 启动时应注意的问题小型柴油机启动得当则省时省力 ,减少机
一种小巧、新颖、轻便、结构紧凑、作业性能可靠、操作方便 ,能在南方双季稻区泥脚25cm以内水田中正常收割水稻的“联发”4L—12O型水稻联合收割机 ,在湖南省水稻联合收割机开发有限公
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