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《我们本该有三个孩子》是“现代女性心灵禅诗”倡导者从容的一首新作。诗人娴熟地运用叙事和戏剧交融的手法,叙事语言冷峻不惊,诗歌氛围神秘荒诞。在第1、2诗节,隐身的叙述者用旁白的方式介绍了老大谷雨的枯死、老二白露的夭折、老三小雪的胎死腹中,制造了突兀和悬疑的开场白效果。谷雨、白露、小雪是二十四节气中与降水密切相关的三个节气,分别喻指春、秋、冬三季。夏季在诗歌叙事中的缺失,疑为诗人操控的结果,因为夏季骄阳似火的阳刚气质显然与谷雨、白露、小雪的阴柔气质不容。拟人化的谷雨、白 “We Should Have Three Children” is a new work calmly advocated by Modern Woman's Mind and Zen. The poet skillfully uses the technique of blending narration and drama, the sternness of the narrative language and the mysterious and absurdity of the poetic atmosphere. In the 1st and 2nd stanzas, the incarcasous narrator introduced the withered and suspenseful opening effect by introducing the death of the eldest brother Gu Yu, the death of the second eldest son, and the death of the third eldest child. Valley rain, white dew, light snow is twenty-four solar terms and precipitation are closely related to the three solar terms respectively referred to spring, autumn and winter three seasons. Summer lack of poetic narrative, the suspect is the result of poet manipulation, because the masculine temperament of the summer sun is clearly Guyu, white dew, snow feminine temperament. Anthropomorphic valley rain, white
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喝酒的人,聚在一起,酒量是必然要论的。  这论酒量与席间喝多少无关,但却与气氛和情谊有关。若是碰到一个皆知酒量很大却没有充分理由死活不肯稍微多喝一点的人,这酒局必定乏善可陈。  我这些年流连各种酒局,酒桌上见多了各路豪杰英雄。虽然自己酒量不高,却也算见多识广了,喝酒论酒之际,常有人跟我探讨切磋酒量的话题。  我之观察,也是我之经验,今人之席间喝酒,构成酒量的,首先是勇气。  所谓两军相遇勇者胜。朋
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