总结经验 大力改革 促进语文教学新发展——《中学语文教学通论》序

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本书对中学语文教学问题做了比较全面的论述,我们认为,这是符合高等师范院校中文系学生的学习需要的;这些同学毕业后绝大多数都从事中学语文教学工作,他们在毕业之前需要对中学语文教学问题有比较全面的了解.至于在职的中学语文教师也常常表示:个人的教学经验和见闻总有一定的局限性,希望能看到一本比较全面地论述中学语文教学问题的书.本书也可供中学语文教师参考.高等师范院校中文系,在全国解放前一般都设置“中学国文(相当于现在的“语文”)教材教 This book gives a more comprehensive discussion of the problem of Chinese teaching in middle schools. In our opinion, this is in line with the learning needs of Chinese students in higher normal colleges. Most of the students after graduation are engaged in Chinese teaching in middle schools. Before their graduation, Need to have a more comprehensive understanding of middle school language teaching problems.As for serving middle school language teachers also often said that: personal teaching experience and knowledge have some limitations, hoping to see a more comprehensive discussion of middle school language teaching problems The book is also available for secondary school language teacher reference. Chinese Department of higher normal schools, before the liberation of the country are generally set “high school Chinese (equivalent to the current” language ") teaching material
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