Abstract: The effect of two ext.medium compost tests on the composting process of pig manure under the same moisture condition (68.8%), different conditioners, different C / N ratios, different aeration modes and different additives were studied. Various indicators in the composting process trends, and put forward composting pig manure maturity indicators. The results showed that solid phase C / N, NH + 4-N content and seed germination rate were the biochemical indicators that better reflect the maturation process of pig manure composting. When solid phase C / N was reduced to below 20:1, NH + 4- N content of less than 20mg · kg-1, seed germination rate> 70%, the compost can be judged composting. Based on the above indicators, combined with the indicators of harmlessness of faeces, we can conclude that except for the first group of the first compost and the second compost of the seventh group, the rest of the groups are already matured at the 30th-35th days.