本文分析了长期应用甲状腺激素类药物对老年女性骨矿密度(BMD)的影响。 1988~1991年,对50~98岁的老年女性进行研究,将其应用的不同的甲状腺激素类药物(如:左旋甲状腺素、甲状腺制剂等)剂量换算成相当于甲状腺素的量。BMD指骨中含矿物质的总量除以面积(g/cm~2)。
This article analyzes the long-term use of thyroid hormone drugs on bone mineral density in elderly women (BMD). From 1988 to 1991, elderly women aged 50 to 98 years were studied, and the dosage of different thyroid hormone drugs (such as levothyroxine and thyroid preparations) applied to them was converted into the equivalent of thyroxine. BMD phalanx in the total amount of minerals divided by area (g / cm ~ 2).