本文检查了长期饲以50ppm 含氟水而造成慢性氟中毒之大鼠肾脏,观察到肾脏碱性磷酸酶活性降低,线粒体形态结构异常,近曲小管局灶性坏死。结果提示慢性氟中毒可引起体内过量的氟蓄积于肾脏,并对其表现损害作用。
This article examines long-term feeding of 50ppm fluoride-containing water to cause chronic fluorosis in rat kidneys, decreased renal alkaline phosphatase activity was observed, the mitochondrial morphological abnormalities, proximal convoluted tubule necrosis. The results suggest that chronic fluorosis can cause excessive accumulation of fluoride in the kidneys, and its performance of damage.