坚定信念 努力工作——在学院纪念七一“创先争优”表彰大会上的发言

来源 :艺境(山西艺术职业学院学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:destinyjack1983
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尊敬的各位领导、各位党员同志:大家上午好!炎炎夏日,光辉七月,我们迎来了中国共产党九十五岁的生日,谨代表全体党员向伟大的党献上诚挚的祝福。感谢各位领导及各位党员对我工作的支持与信任,在这个特殊的日子里,能有机会作为优秀党员代表发言,我的心情除了激动之外还有一丝忐忑。岁月如歌,想起2年非典肆虐的时候,在大学教室里庄严宣誓的场景,太阳的光芒透过教室的玻璃,学生党支部书记宁老师刚毅的脸,我握 Dear Leader, Members, Members, Comrades: Good morning! On a hot summer day, in July, we ushered in the 95th birthday of the Chinese Communist Party. On behalf of all Party members, we hereby offer our sincere blessings to the great party. Thank you leaders and members of the party for their support and trust in my work, in this special day, have the opportunity to speak as a representative of the outstanding party members, in addition to my heart there is a sense of ulterior motivation. Years of song, think of two years of SARS rampant when the solemn oath in the university classroom scene, the sun’s light through the classroom glass, student party branch secretary Ning teacher resolute face, I hold
目的探讨小儿狼疮肾炎(LN)时肾小球内细胞凋亡的变化及甲基氢化泼尼松(MP)对肾小球内细胞凋亡的影响。方法用原位凋亡检测和原位杂交检测试剂盒,对12例LN(7例用激素前肾穿刺,5例行MP冲击后肾穿刺)、9例非LN(未用激素)和7例正常对照的肾活检标本进行了肾小球细胞凋亡和Fas mRNA表达强度的测定。结果(1)在未用激素的病例中,LN肾小球凋亡细胞数、凋亡细胞与细胞总数的百分比及Fas mRNA