
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zsh188667787
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本文通过对广州市78家先进制造类企业的调查分析及访谈,剖析了广州先进制造业高技术技能人才培养的基本状况及存在的问题。结果表明,企业高技术技能人才普遍缺乏;本科、高职是高技术技能人才最佳学历;高技术技能人才培养有效性不足;高技术技能人才协同培养程度不高。据此,从政府、企业、高校以及行业协会四个协同共育主体出发,提出协同培养的政策或建议。 Based on the survey and interviews with 78 advanced manufacturing enterprises in Guangzhou, this paper analyzes the basic conditions and existing problems of the training of high-skilled talents in Guangzhou’s advanced manufacturing industry. The results show that the general lack of skilled high-tech enterprises; undergraduate and vocational education is the best high-tech skilled personnel; lack of effective high-tech skills training personnel; high-tech skilled personnel co-culture is not high. Accordingly, from the government, enterprises, colleges and universities and industry associations four co-education main body set out to develop co-cultivation policies or recommendations.