
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的对口腔综合治疗台独立水源消毒前后的生物膜结构以及菌落情况进行调查。方法选取下瓦房街社区卫生服务中心2台独立水源口腔综合治疗台,对其水管壁内的生物膜结构以及菌落情况进行检测,后采用次氯酸钠消毒,消毒后再对水管壁内的生物膜结构和菌落情况检测,并将结果对比。结果消毒前后口腔综合治疗台水路生物膜菌落数比较:消毒前生物膜检测总菌落为8.4×102~1.5×104cfu/cm2;几何均值为1.8×103cfu/cm2,消毒后检测到少量细菌,消毒前后比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。消毒之前水管壁生物膜断层扫描图像细菌呈现多样、多点、片状分布。激光共聚焦扫描显微镜连续断层扫描可见生物膜基底部也就是接近水管内壁部分的细菌较少,且分布非常稀疏,但随着生物膜厚度不断增加,细菌数目越来越多,分布也越来越广泛。结论口腔综合治疗台独立水源内存在较高的细菌浓度,管壁中存在生物膜,增加了患者感染的概率,有效的过滤消毒能够降低菌落群浓度。 Objective To investigate the biofilm structure before and after disinfection of an independent oral water source in the oral comprehensive treatment unit and the colony status. Methods Two independent water source oral treatment units were selected from the community health service center of Xiawafang Street. The biofilm structure and colony in the water pipe wall were detected. After disinfection with sodium hypochlorite, Membrane structure and colony detection, and the results were compared. Results Before and after disinfection, the total number of colonies in the waterway of Tai-Shui Road before and after sterilization was 8.4 × 102 ~ 1.5 × 104cfu / cm2 and the average geometric mean was 1.8 × 103cfu / cm2. A small amount of bacteria were detected after disinfection, The difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Prior to disinfection water wall biofilm tomography images of bacteria showing diverse, multi-point, flaky distribution. Laser confocal scanning microscopy continuous tomography shows that the bottom of the biofilm is close to the inner wall of the water pipe part of the bacteria less, and the distribution is very sparse, but as the biofilm thickness increases, the number of bacteria is more and more distributed more and more widely. Conclusion There is a high concentration of bacteria in the independent water source of the oral integrated therapy unit, and there is a biofilm in the tube wall, which increases the probability of patient infection. Effective filtration and disinfection can reduce the concentration of colonies.
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三大瓶颈    几乎所有接触过电视彩信的广电运营商,都认为该项业务是一项非常新奇的应用,未来随着NGB网络覆盖能力的不断加强,其很可能成为非常有发展前景的融合型新业务。但从目前实际应用来情况看,绝大部分运营商仍对电视彩信的实际运营抱着质疑和观望态度。究其原因,主要包括以下三点:    1 频点、带宽资源的占用  从技术层面,电视彩信系统需要通过数字电视前端平台向终端机顶盒发送数据,如果全网大用户量
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