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杨孚,字孝元,或作孝先,东汉时南海郡番禺县漱珠岗下渡村(今广州市海珠区赤岗街道下渡村)人,生卒年待考。早年致力读经史,深入钻研,公元77年,以参加朝廷举行的贤良对策入选而为议郎。[乾隆]《番禺县志》卷15记载:汉代“章帝朝举贤良,对策上第,拜议郎。和帝即位,欲用兵匈奴,孚奏言;创造用武,守业尚文。故周胜殷,则有载‘戢干戈之颂’。太宗息兵,尝言自胜衣冠,念不及兵。先帝继述,虏来则应,未尝先伐。故孝章之 Yang Fu, the word Xiaoyuan, or make filial piety, when the Eastern Han Dynasty Panyu County, South China Sea County Shizhugan Xiadu Village (now Chizha District, Guangzhou City Chigang under the village), were born and died. In his early years, he was devoted to studying history and studying in depth. In 77 AD, he was chosen as the wise man by taking part in the virtuous policy of the court. [Qianlong] ”Panyu County,“ Volume 15 records: the Han Dynasty, ”Zhang dynasty dynasty virtues, measures on the first, thanks to Lang. With the emperor ascended the throne, to use force Hun, Fu played words; Containing ’Sword of Heavenly Sword’. Taizong soldiers, taste the words of self-sacrifice, can not read the soldiers. The first emperor following the statement, Krupp should be, without prejudice.
在小镇最阴湿寒冷的街角,住着约翰和妻子珍妮。约翰在铁路局干一份扳道工兼维修的活,又苦又累;珍妮在做家务之余就去附近的花市做点杂活,以补贴家用。生活是清贫的,但他们是相爱的一对。  冬天的一个傍晚,小两口正在吃晚饭,突然响起了敲门声。珍妮打开门,门外站着一个快要冻僵了的老头,手里提着一个菜篮。“夫人,我今天刚搬到这里,就住在对街。您需要一些菜吗?”老人的目光落到珍妮缀着补丁的围裙上,神情有些黯然了。