目的探讨宫内和哺乳期接触多氯联苯(PCB)118和PCB126混合物对雄性子代大鼠生殖功能的影响。方法根据浙江某地母乳混合样中PCB118和PCB126含量及比例,按10、100和500倍配制成剂量为0.096、0.96和4.8μg TEQ/kg的混合物,在孕15 d对SD大鼠进行一次经口染毒,对母鼠的体重、雄性子代各发育阶段的肛门生殖口距离(AGD)和体重、脏器重量、精子计数及血清中睾酮水平等指标进行评估。结果各剂量组对母鼠没有明显毒性,0.96和4.8μg TEQ/kg组雄性仔鼠出现体重增加迟缓、AGD及精子数减少现象;雄性生殖器官如附睾、前列腺和精囊的重量改变只发生在出生后70日龄(PND70)4.8μg TEQ/kg组和0.96μg TEQ/kg组(附睾);血清睾酮水平没有发生明显变化。结论宫内和哺乳期接触PCB118和PCB126混合物在未观察到母体毒性剂量下能延迟子代雄性大鼠生长发育进程,并对其生殖系统产生损害。
Objective To investigate the effects of intrauterine and lactation exposure on the reproductive function of male offspring rats exposed to a combination of PCB 118 and PCB126. Methods According to the contents and proportions of PCB118 and PCB126 in a sample of breast-milk mixed in a place in Zhejiang Province, 10, 100 and 500 times doses were formulated into a mixture of 0.096, 0.96 and 4.8 μg TEQ / kg, and once a day Oral toxicity was measured on the body weight of the female rats, AGD and body weight, organ weight, sperm counts and serum testosterone levels in male offsprings. Results There was no obvious toxicity to the mother rats in each dose group. The weight gain was slowed and the AGD and sperm counts were decreased in the male offspring of 0.96 and 4.8 μg TEQ / kg groups. The weight change of male reproductive organs such as epididymis, prostate and seminal vesicles occurred only at birth After 70 days of age (PND70) 4.8μg TEQ / kg group and 0.96μg TEQ / kg group (epididymis); serum testosterone levels did not change significantly. Conclusions Intrauterine and lactational exposures to PCB118 and PCB126 mixtures can delay the growth and development of offspring male rats and impair their reproductive system at no maternal toxic dose observed.