田剑铃,湖北省病理生理学会常务理事兼反射疗法专业委员会主任委员。1995年~2008年任中国足部反射区健康法研究会理事。 1945~1964年读书的同时,自幼随母习医专攻小儿推拿。 1964年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学机械制造工艺及其设备专业。 1992年退休于湖北省机电研究院时任高级工程师。 1992年至今从事反射疗法科研,任湖北武汉市武昌剑铃养生保健研究所所长,其研发的辅助工具有16项获国家专利。
Tian Jian Ling, Hubei Provincial Institute of Pathophysiology and director of Reflective Therapy Professional Committee chairman. From 1995 to 2008, he was the director of the Chinese foot reflexology health law research association. 1945 ~ 1964 years of study at the same time, childhood with her practice specializing in pediatric massage. 1964 graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology machinery manufacturing process and equipment professional. In 1992, he retired in Hubei Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering as a senior engineer. Since 1992, he has been engaged in the research of reflexology and is the director of Wuchang Jianling Health Care Research Institute in Wuhan, Hubei Province. He has obtained 16 national patents for its research and development aids.