Analysis of the Close Relationship between the Globalization of English and the Hot Brand“New Balanc

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English, as an intational language, is becoming more and more important in our society. The globalization of English is accepted by more and more countries. Its proficiency has become a major requirement for attaining the highest level of professional and economic success around the world. Known aspresidents jogging shoes,New Balancehas achieved a great success in the United States and many other countries. However, its development in China is not very smooth because of the deference between English and Chinese culture. Several frustrations have led to continual changes in its marketing strategies. Based on the develop-ment ofNew Balancein China and the 4P theory, in the paper some suggestions are introduced to improve its marketing strate-gies and contribute to its better and sustainable development in China.
目的 分析2007-2013年北京同仁医院角膜铜绿假单胞菌的药物敏感性和耐药性,以期为临床药物治疗提供指导.设计 实验研究.研究对象 2007年1月~2013年12月北京同仁医院眼科临床微
5月14日 星期二 天气:晴  这周,学完了两位数乘两位数这个单元后,我在复习时,发现有道数学题挺有意思的。  如何用4、5、6、7这四个数字分别组成2个两位数,确保这2个两位数相乘积最大?  一看到这道题,我就开始随机组数,45、67、75、64……算着算着发现……这个方法十分麻烦。因为如果用4、5、6、7组成两位数,能组成……12组两位数,在这12组中随机抽取2组,能组成的两位数乘两位数就多了
5月18日 星期六 天气:晴  今天,我家举办了一场猜硬币的游戏。  参赛队员:我、表姐、弟弟。  裁判员:老爸  比赛一开始,老爸让我们围在桌边,然后边摆边说道:“你们看,现在我把这里面的9枚硬币拿出来摆成一排,全部是正面朝上,然后每次翻动4枚硬币,这样翻几次才能使这9枚硬币全部反面朝上?”  “这个……额……”我和表姐互相对视了一眼,便静下心思考起来,而闲不住的弟弟已经动手翻起硬币来,边翻还边
In China, the non-English majors form the main body of college English leers, of whom not a small number are stu-dents in Chinese private colleges.This paper at
Based on the research of teachersfeedback and politeness strategies, this study adopts the natural research method--classroom observation, and analyzes ten typi
5月7日 星期二 天气:晴  “妈妈,快来!这道题怎么做?”妹妹那惊天动地的叫喊声从隔壁传来。“我在煮饭呢,问你姐姐去!”一阵“咚咚”的脚步声后,“哐当”一声,门被某个女汉纸推得重重地向墙摔去。  “姐姐,你不是最擅长解图形问题吗?快来看看这道题……”妹妹嘴上说着,三步并作两步跑到我的书桌前,把题目晾到我眼前。我无语地看了看妹妹,认命地看题。  如图,在长方形ABCD中,AB为4厘米,BC为7厘米