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   Maybe Money Can Buy Happiness…
  What has our society become? We have become increasingly materialistic and crude as a society.1 Here, a satirical2 view on what happiness really is:
  Whoever said money can’t buy happiness isn’t spending it right. It’s as simple as a bit of bumper-sticker3 wisdom. Growing up, many of us are educated by our teachers and by our parents not to let money be the key behind our satisfaction. This idea has been around for so long, said so often, and drilled into our heads so much, that it has become cliché4. It’s almost become common knowledge5, part of people’s everyday values. Most of us know to try to seek happiness in other places, through relationships and family, rather than through materialism. But as much as we try to stand strong by our moral values and insist that materialism isn’t vital6 to leading happy lives, the truth is, our fascination with money continues to grow. We live in a materialistic society, surrounded with news and blogs of Wall Street, TV shows dedicated to the lives of the rich and famous. We’ve become a generation focused on things, because money has started being the key to our happiness. If we think of what makes us happy in life, money is almost always there. All the people we look up to—celebrities, businessmen—their careers and their lives revolve around money in some way.7 Bill Gates8 is first known as the richest man in the world, known as Microsoft’s chairman second. Our obsession with money has only been amplified in the past decade,9 as the opportunities to earn and spend it continue to increase rapidly. Money has become everything. How can we really be anybody without it? As our society seems to have caught on, money opens doors and helps us achieve goals and when we get what we want, we are happy. Money brings us this happiness by fulfilling our own materialistic and emotional needs.
  What is the purpose of getting a good education and trying to get into a good college? Besides broadening our views and expanding the widths of our knowledge,10 the truth is, most of us simply want to get a good job and be successful. The word “success” in terms of career can be seen as equivalent to “high salary” to most. A high salary is a reflection of a businessperson’s status, of their power, of how hard they work. How much money is earned reflects the status of success. It can simply be defined by how many figures they earn. Most people see Bill Gates and Warren Buffett11 as successful not because of the achievements they have brought to the technology and business world, but because of the mass amount of money in their bank accounts. We’re spending our whole lives educating ourselves and training ourselves in the art of how to become“successful”. We spend so much time working to make money, because we believe that if we have nice houses, nice cars, and are able to support our families, we’ll be happy. And it’s true. We cannot deny the fact that money brings our happiness in life when we spend and dedicate most of it to training ourselves to make it and to make a lot of it. If money didn’t make us happy, we wouldn’t continuously be seeking more than we actually need, and devoting half our lives preparing ourselves to do so.
  Would you be happy if you were poor? Sometimes we take our money for granted12. We believe that it’ll always be there, and because most of us haven’t experience total poverty, we begin to take it for granted, and don’t fully appreciate the joy it brings us. But take it away, and we are able to see the happiness it brings us more clearly. Recently, the financial crisis and the beginnings of a recession13 has had a major impact on the living standards of people across the globe, and specifically, on the overall happiness level of Americans, where the recession is hitting. A survey taken by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index14 in 2008 after the economic crisis hit, showed that 60% of Americans are suffering and struggling due to financial issues, compared to 60% of Americans reported as “thriving” in 2006, before the economic crash, showing that people become unhappy without their money, to the point of reporting themselves as “suffering”, the lowest rank on the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. And even outside the economic crisis, a survey taken by researchers at the University of Nottingham in 2006, with jackpot15 winners who have won more than 1 million dollars revealed that 97% of the people were happier after the win, showing that the significant gain of money made a dramatic increase in the overall happiness level of people.
  We often argue that money cannot buy love. However, nowadays, it can. Would you want to marry a person who could not support you financially? Although you may love each other unconditionally16, you would be struggling in all other areas, and so could you truly be happy? According to a survey conducted by the Wall Street Journal in 2007, the majority of both men and women look for financially sound17 partners as a major aspect when looking for a partner. Over three fourths of women surveyed said they look for a partner with money and an overwhelming18 majority of men agreed. Although it’s against the notions of love in our moral sense, and supposedly against the main motivations of affection, people have begun to seek what truly makes them happy in life, money, first, even before true love. Furthermore, once people have money, then they are able to seek other things in life, specifically…love and marriage. According to the same survey taken by the University of Nottingham, only about half of winners were married before the win, versus19 three fourths afterwards, a significant jump.
  Money is such an important aspect of some people’s happiness, they cannot live without it. When they get themselves into debt, or even when they have a significant lack of it, their lives take a considerable drop. For example, recently, the businessman and investment advisor, Marcus Schrenker, went so far as to fake his death when debts began to pile up around him.20 He crashed his plane and then secretly parachuted21 away, leading the world to believe that he was dead. However, he was recently found, alive and healthy. Before the debts, he was reported to have a luxurious and happy life. However, when the source behind all of this luxury, money, was taken away, upon the knowledge that his enterprise was crumbling, Schrenker fell apart. Materialism is the sole fuel to some people’s happiness, to the point of extreme devastation when it is taken away.22 For Schrenker and many other people, income was not only a method of survival, it also provided a sense of security. Once that was gone, he no longer had that sense of security, lost his happy and luxurious life, and lost control.
  Money being able to buy us happiness isn’t being greedy or selfish. Even enormously wealthy people give back to charity each year, benefiting others as well as themselves. It’s simply the truth of our present society. If we think about the things that we enjoy, money is involved most of the times. Why have we trained to believe for so long that materialism cannot buy us happiness? There is no need to constantly deny it. Think about it. There is always something you want at any given23 moment, which will make you happier when you get it, whether it is a nice car, an expensive camera, or even a new video game. All of these things are obtained with money. For those people who have money but don’t have happiness, they just haven’t bought it yet. ?
  1. materialistic: 实利主义的,物质主义的(含贬义),下文的materialism意为“实利主义,物质主义”;crude: 粗俗的。
  2. satirical: 含讽刺意味的,嘲讽的。
  3. bumper-sticker: 保险杠贴纸(贴在汽车保险杠上的小标语,内容幽默,常涉及政治或宗教话题)。
  4. cliché: 陈词滥调,老生常谈。
  5. common knowledge: 常识。
  6. vital: 极重要的,必不可少的。
  7. look up to: 钦佩,尊敬;revolve around: 以……为目的,围绕。
  8. Bill Gates: 比尔·盖茨(1955— ),美国微软公司的创始人。1995年到2007年的《福布斯》全球亿万富翁排行榜中,比尔·盖茨连续13年蝉联世界首富。2008年6月27日正式退出微软公司,并把580亿美元个人财产尽数捐至比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金会。2011年9月,《福布斯》美国富豪榜发布,盖茨以590亿美元居首。
  9. obsession: 痴迷;amplify: 放大。
  10. broaden: 开阔;expand: 扩大,增加;width: 宽度。
  11. Warren Buffett: 沃伦·巴菲特(1930— ),全球著名的投资商,曾在2008年的《福布斯》排行榜上财富超过比尔·盖茨,成为世界首富。
  12. take sth. for granted: 认为……是理所当然。
  13. recession: 经济萧条。
  14. Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index: 由(美国)民意测验公司盖洛普(Gallup)和健康管理公司健维(Healthways)共同编制的盖洛普-健维幸福指数。
  15. jackpot:(在碰运气的游戏中可赢得的)头奖,最高奖。
  16. unconditionally: 无条件地。
  17. sound: 状况良好的。
  18. overwhelming: 巨大的,压倒性的。
  19. versus: 与……相比。
  20. 背景:美国商人Marcus Schrenker因被起诉诈骗投资者的数百万美元资金,制造了一起飞机失事假死案,此事后被警察发现。
  21. parachute: 用降落伞降落。
  23. given: 特定的。
The advent of warm weather here in Maine calls for a seasonal ritual that, for me, puts the exclamation point on winter’s end—fetching the wooden screen door.1  Note that I wrote “wooden.” The aluminu
太鲁阁大峡谷。  看过《127小时》这部电影的人一定对阿伦的经历印象深刻,电影根据现实改编,主人公的原型是Aron Ralston,Aron在峡谷探险时,右臂被夹在石缝中无法动弹,被困5天后,他用小刀割断自己的手臂,成功地拯救了自己。  除了阿伦在困境中的自救表现外,电影所展示的峡谷风光也同样迷人。影片在峡谷地国家公园拍摄,一望无边的红色砂岩,迷宫一样的峡谷地貌,有作家形容它是地球上最奇怪、最奇妙
夏季最热的日子,在汉语文化圈1叫伏天;在英语文化圈则为canicular days。  那么“伏天”和canicular days指的确实是同一个概念吗?伏天,通俗来讲,就是一年当中最热的一段时间。用专业的话来说,“伏天”指的是出现在小暑(农历二十四节气的第十一个节气)与处暑(农历二十四节气的第十四个节气)之间的,一年中气温最高且潮濕、闷热的日子,一般持续三、四十天。按照阳历计算的话,大概处于七月
摘 要:学科内容与语言整合学习(CLIL)是欧盟提出的用外语来教授非语言类学科知识并兼顾外语学习的教学模式。目前传统小学英语课堂中,大多数口语交际发生在教师创设的虚拟语境中,学生主动交际的需求没有被有效激发。而CLIL因兼具了内容学习和语言习得的双重教学目标,通过学科知识的学习为语言习得提供真实语境,从而有利于学生自然习得语言,增强他们的口语交际能力。本文对在CLIL教学理论指导下的课堂和传统英语
我们的“妈妈”,恐怕是全世界最没有理解障碍的一个词了——跨越国家,跨越种族,跨越地域,跨越年龄,跨越语言……世界上任何一个人,任何一种语言,对于“妈妈”的称呼都是[ma]:汉语——妈妈;英语——mamma;法语——maman;西班牙语——madre;马来语——emak;斯瓦希里语——mama;越南语——me。  我们今天着重分析英语和汉语的“妈妈”。  先来看英语mamma,也作mama、mom,
I’m crossing my fingers for you.我为你祝福。  在欧美国家中,将中指放在食指上表示“为你祈求好运”。  She is bossy.她很霸道。  bossy就是像boss一样霸道,这个词用来形容喜欢像老板一样指使别人做事的女生。  What’s bugging you?你烦什么呢?  bug是“打扰”的意思。当你看到朋友愁眉苦脸的,你就可以问:“What’s bugg
A Simple Formula1 for Changing Our Behavior  “你到底在想些什么?”不管在生活还是工作中,当你以愤怒埋怨的语气喊出这样的问话时,便会开始陷入争执不休的漩涡中。诚然,当预期没有达成,感到失望生气是可以理解的。但是,情绪过后并不能解决任何问题。本文将着重介绍一个改变人们处事方式的小技巧,跟着文中介绍的三步走,你会发现问题有效地解决了,一切也都豁然开朗了。  
What defines who we are? Our habits? Our aesthetic1 tastes? Our memories? If pressed, I would answer that if there is any part of me that sits at my core, that is an essential part of who I am, then s