7 BPA电力系统 Slatt 变电站的 TC-SC 工程7.1 电力系统及 TCSC 工程概况由美国电力科学研究院(Electric PowerResearch Institute,EPRI)主持,有 GE 公司、BPA(Bonneville Power Administration,BPA)及 PGE(Portland Genardl Electric Company,PGE)共同参加,设备由 GE 公司提供,在美国俄勒冈州(Oregon)中北部属 BPA 电力系统的 Slart 500kV 变电站,装设了目前世界上最高电压等级的三相全控式 TCSC 装置。该TCSC 装设在输送容量为2500MW 的 Slatt至 Buckley 的500kV 线路上,并于1993年9
7 BPA Power System TC-SC Engineering of Slatt Substation 7.1 Overview of Power System and TCSC Engineering By the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), GE, BPA (Bonneville Power Administration) and PGE (Portland Genardl Electric Company, PGE. The equipment is supplied by GE. The Slater 500kV Substation in the North Central BPA Power System in Oregon is equipped with the world’s highest voltage three-phase fully controlled TCSC unit. The TCSC was installed on a 500kV line from Slatt to Buckley with a capacity of 2500MW and was installed in 1993