9月15日,中国民航总局,决定撤消23个省(区市)民航局,同时将93个机场移交地方政府管理,以推动民航管理体制改革的进一步深化。 民航出台的重大措施,将加大地方机场之间的激烈竞争,特别是珠江三角洲地区。而作为中国经济最发达地区之一的珠三角方圆200多公里之内已集中了香港、澳门、广州、深圳、珠海五家大型
On September 15, the Civil Aviation Administration of China decided to withdraw Civil Aviation Administration of 23 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and transfer 93 airports to the local government to promote the further deepening of civil aviation management system reform. Major measures promulgated by CAAC will intensify the fierce competition among local airports, especially in the Pearl River Delta region. As one of the most economically developed areas in China, the Pearl River Delta within a radius of more than 200 kilometers has been concentrated in Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai five large