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9月28日的北京某报上出现了三个“王”:一个在二版,讲的是直径2米多、重达810多公斤的巨型“月饼王”在某购物中心展出;另两个在四版。说的是近日“南有巨裤,北有鞋王”——用料12.8米、国内最大的男式西裤在长沙莱商场展出,长的3米的“中国鞋在石家庄莱商城“引起众多顾客的好奇”。 There were three “kings” appearing on a newspaper in Beijing on September 28. One in the second edition, the giant “moon cake king” with a diameter of more than 2 meters and weighed over 810 kilograms was exhibited in a shopping mall; In four editions. It is said that “Southern giant trousers and northern shoe king” have recently been used. The largest men’s trousers in China were displayed at the Changsha Laizhou Mall. The long 3m “Chinese shoes were in the Shijiazhuang Laicheng Mall”. Many customers’ curiosity."
The Teaching Objective 1. Knowledge Objectives: To master the words: butterflyTo master the sentence: What do you see? I see a … The Teaching Objective 1. Kno
在经济受到金融风暴的冲击时,致力于进口替代的中控集团依靠自主研发在行业内站稳了脚跟。“水温、浊度、PH值、余氯、ORP值、液位等一系列指标精确控 When the economy was
Two guys were taking Chemistry at the University of Alabama.They were doing well in the class and thought that going into the final they had a solid“A”. They
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可知,有这样一个去处  大漠戈壁,峡谷幽幽  却为疾驰的高铁  妆扮出多年的等候  雪夜,变电所灯火通明  小站久远的记忆  眺望东南西北  遥寄乡愁  可知,有这样一个窗口  孤独寂寞,重任肩头  畅通无阻的信念  融入着永恒的平安  雪夜,变电所灯火通明  亲人话别的嘱托  情系天涯海角  朝夕牵手  可知,有这样一种追求  兢兢业业,恪尽职守  零故障分分秒秒  浩歌轻吟爱心合奏  雪夜,变
I’m a traffic officer,and I want to tell you the true story of my friend.It was a hot Sunday. I had the day off, and my friend called me saying that she had ju
As has been widely reported by the me-dia,China’s six major copper producershave decided to cut production.TheCopper Enterprises Coordination Commit-tee is ex
编辑同志: 我于今年3月31日,看到一家带“中国”字头的报纸上刊登的一则广告介绍说:广东省高州市坡头51号远东贸易发展部邮购照相机,在款汇出3至5周后可收到货,40天内收不到