
来源 :暨南理医学报(医学专版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Almzg_0
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本文检查了矽肺病人的多种免疫状态,发现患者同围血中T细胞百分率平均值比对照组显著降低,而B细胞百分率呈有意义增高;血清蛋白、r、α_1、α_2球蛋白有随病程进展而增高趋势;血清免疫球蛋白IgG和IgA含量的增高亦与病程相一致,至Ⅱ期矽肺二者含量增高显著,但IgM含量未见明显变化,仅在矽肺合并结核组,IgG、IgA、和IgM含量呈明显增高;患者组类风湿因子(RF)和抗核抗体(ANA)合并阳性率(24.5%)比接尘组(13.3%)为高;血中循环免疫复合物(CIC)阳性检出率较高,但Ⅰ期矽肺组与对照组相比,未呈统计学差别;患者血中总补体(CH_(50))和C_8含量未见明显变化。根据患者的T细胞检出率降低,B细胞增高、体液免疫结果与细胞免疫相一致,均和病程进展而呈现规律性变化,以及自身抗体增高等免疫现象,似与自身免疲性疾病有类同之处。随着杂交瘤技术的广泛应用,联系近年国外关于石棉肺免疫学研究,对T细胞亚群变化进行了讨论,这方面的深入研究,对阐明矽肺发病机理是有意义的。对矽肺免疫的进一步研究,从实验设计上也提出了有益的建议。 This article examined the multiple immune status of silicosis patients and found that the mean percentage of T-cells in patients with peripheral blood was significantly lower than that in the control group, while the percentage of B-cells was significantly increased; serum protein, r, α_1, and α_2 globulin were associated with the course of the disease. Progressive and increasing trend; serum immunoglobulin IgG and IgA content increase is also consistent with the course of the disease, to phase II silicosis both increased significantly, but no significant change in IgM content, only in silicosis combined with tuberculosis group, IgG, IgA, The content of IgM and IgM were significantly higher; the combined positive rate of rheumatoid factor (RF) and antinuclear antibody (ANA) was higher in the patient group (24.5%) than in the dust exposure group (13.3%); positive circulating blood immune complex (CIC) The detection rate was higher, but there was no significant difference in the phase I silicosis group compared with the control group; there was no significant change in the total complement (CH_(50)) and C_8 levels in the patient’s blood. According to the decrease in the detection rate of T cells in patients, the increase of B cells, the result of humoral immunity and the consistency of cellular immunity, and the progression of the disease, showing a regular change, as well as increased autoimmune antibodies and immune phenomena, similar to their own immune-free diseases. Same place. With the extensive application of hybridoma technology, in recent years, studies on the pulmonary immunology of asbestosis have been conducted, and the changes of T cell subpopulations have been discussed. In-depth studies in this area are significant for elucidating the pathogenesis of silicosis. Further research on silicosis immunity has also provided useful suggestions from experimental design.
本文对五仁醇与皮质激素(醋酸可的松)的免疫抑制作用进行了比较,并对两者合用的效果进行了研究。结果表明,五仁醇在每日25mg/kg 剂量下,对小鼠脾抗体分泌细胞及特异玫瑰花形
假话盛行,因为有人信,说假话能得到奖赏、荣誉、权力、官位。真话倒胃口,也不一定全正确、都管用。不听真话,难办真事;不说真话,难做真人。 Hypocrisy prevails, because so
1.寿比南山。2.儿子拉车。3.专偷木材。4.古代兵器。5.相会。6.他人养活。7.手到病除。8.药斗空空。各打一中药名(谜底见本期)。谜底: 1.千年健。找。5.一见喜。车前子。3.
野坝子别名野坝蒿、扫把花、地檀香、野香苏等。学名 EIsholtzia rugulosa Hemsl。科名唇形科(Labiatae) 野坝子属多年生半灌木,高0.5—2米,茎幼嫩时为紫色或绿色,老熟后呈