问什么叫做甲状腺淋巴造影术?在临床外科诊断上有何作用? 答首先谈谈甲状腺淋巴造影术的原理。甲状腺的淋巴管起源于甲状腺滤泡周围,在腺体内形成丰富的淋巴网,并汇集成以下几组的深组淋巴结:1.正中上组;2.正中下组;3.左、右侧组,4.后上组。另可引流至上纵膈淋巴结。当注入碘化油于甲状腺体内时,则碘化油很快便循网状的淋巴组织回流至上述各组的
What is the thyroid lymphatic radiography? What is the role of clinical surgical diagnosis? Answer First, talk about the principle of thyroid lymphography. The lymphatic vessels of the thyroid originate around the thyroid follicles, forming a rich lymph network in the glands and pooling into the following groups of deep lymph nodes: 1. The middle and upper groups; 2. The middle and lower groups; 3. The left and right sides. Group, 4. After the group. The other can be drained to the mediastinal lymph nodes. When iodized oil is injected into the thyroid gland, iodized oil quickly returns to the above-mentioned groups through the reticular lymphoid tissue.