今年相当有可能发生的若干 IT 业界事件。话说天下大事,分久必合,合久必分,事出有因,因果循环。延续着上次的狗年 IT 预言,本回继续铁口直断。混血设备加速手机可以听 MP3,iPod 可以看照片,数码相机可以上网……几年前根本没想到的事,现在一点都不稀奇,对 IT 产业来说,如果说要在每个家庭的起居室里争取一
This year is quite possible for a number of IT industry events. Saying the world affairs, points for a long time will be together for a long time will be divided, there is a cause, causal cycle. Continuation of the last dog year IT prediction, this time to continue Tietou straight off. Hybrid devices to speed up the phone can listen to MP3, iPod can take pictures, digital cameras can access the Internet ... ... a few years ago, did not expect something, it is not surprising at this point, for the IT industry, if you say in every family living room In the fight for one