在三批动物实验的基础上,我们选择了50名临床高脂血症病人,血清总胆固醇(TC)在6.50mMol/l,β脂蛋白(β-LP)在6. 00g/l以上,病人分为两组.第一组30名,每日15克干黑木耳服用一个月;第二组20名,每日5克干黑木耳服用一个半月。均将黑木耳泡开后蒸煮作菜吃.观察期问不服任何降脂和抗凝药。结果发现血脂显著降低,血栓形成显著减轻,血小板聚集率降低更显著.由此说明,黑木耳确有降血脂,抗血栓形成和抑制血小板聚集等多种作用。将对防治冠心病和动脉粥样硬化有重要意义。
On the basis of three batches of animal experiments, we selected 50 patients with clinical hyperlipidemia, serum total cholesterol (TC) at 6.50mMol / l, beta lipoprotein (beta-LP) in more than 6. 00g / l, the patient Divided into two groups.The first group of 30, 15 grams per day dry black fungus take a month; the second group of 20, 5 grams per day dry black fungus take a month and a half. Will be black fungus bubble cooking after cooking eat. Observation period refused to accept any lipid-lowering and anticoagulant. The results showed that blood lipids decreased significantly, thrombosis significantly reduced, platelet aggregation decreased more significantly.Therefore, black fungus indeed have lipid-lowering, anti-thrombosis and inhibition of platelet aggregation and other effects. Will be of great significance in the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.