Densification Behavior of Nanocrystalline Mg_2Si Compact in Hot-pressing

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang5658
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Densification behavior of nanocrystalline Mg_2Si(n-Mg_2Si)with grain size about 30-50 nm was investigated by hot-pressing at 400℃.The results indicated that the densification process of n-Mg_2Si exhibited three linear segments:p<0.3 GPa,0.3 GPa1.2 GPa determined by Heckel formula,among which the third fast increasing segment in high pressure range p>1.2 GPa has seldom been reported in conventional coarse-grained polycrystalline materials.Nevertheless,in the whole pressure range(0.125-1.500 GPa)investi- gated the densification behavior of n-Mg_2Si can be well described by a Kawakita formula p/C=(1/a)p+1/(ab) with constant a=0.452 being in good agreement with the initial porosity of the compact. Densification behavior of nanocrystalline Mg_2Si (n-Mg_2Si) with grain size about 30-50 nm was investigated by hot-pressing at 400 ° C. The results indicated that the densification process of n-Mg_2Si with three linear segments: p <0.3 GPa, 0.3 GPa

1.2 GPa determined by Heckel formula, among which the third fast increasing segment in high pressure range p> 1.2 GPa has seldom been reported in conventional coarse-grained polycrystalline materials. range (0.125-1.500 GPa) investi- gated the deification behavior of n-Mg_2Si can well described by a Kawakita formula p / C = (1 / a) p + 1 / (ab) with constant a = 0.452 being in good agreement with the initial porosity of the compact.

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