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  The world is suffering and crying out for help. There are people in need and violent atrocities on display everyday, in nations you’ve never heard of with seemingly unpronounceable names and incoherent dialects, making it somewhat easier for those of us at a distance to ignore. Unfortunately, there will never be a shortage of people in need, silently crying out for help. But there are more than a few generous people out there, whose small acts of kindness have helped those in need.
  It’s pretty common knowledge nowadays that there are millions of families below the poverty line, unable to afford an education for their children. But did you know that there are a growing number of innocent Nepalese children rotting away in prison for the crimes of their parents? Well, one young woman found out about it, is doing something about it, and you can read all about it in Pulling Children Out of Nepal’s Prisons.
  With help, a little goes a long way, and going out of your way to help a child can end up saving thousands of children down the line. Read A Small Act, A Kenyan Miracle to see how receiving an education led one boy to dedicate his life and a whole charitable organization to his benefactor.
  When you hear the term “people in need” you generally think of people who need money, food or shelter. But that shy teen in the corner could be desperately in need of unconditional support and encouragement. Letters to Complete Strangers follows a lonely girl who heals herself, and others, by writing kind words to people she’s never met.
  People who heal the world by giving back to society are still too few and far between, but as awareness grows so too does generosity. So spread the word, help where you can, and the world will be a better place.
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谢琳·伍德蕾婴儿肥的圆脸及其时不时爆出的“雷人”事迹,让我想起了很多年前的茱莉亚·罗伯茨——那时的茱莉亚大大咧咧,有着乡村女孩的朴实和随性,还曾因在电影首映礼上被拍到没有刮腋毛的照片而被“传唱千里”,此事至今仍然是好莱坞“雷人”榜单上的不衰话题。  每一个刚刚踏入好莱坞的新星都要经历一段被“同化”的过程。这个过程就像一把血淋淋的剪刀,剪掉了新星们丰满的面颊、多余的脂肪,并为他们套上了虚假的笑容,他
凯拉·奈特利的成功不具有复制性。她的起点很高,就是跑龙套的角色也是大师级人物操刀的巨制。在人生二十岁,她就完成了别人梦寐以求的“鲤鱼跃龙门”。从赚得盆满钵满的商业大片到赢尽口碑的文艺小清新,她选片眼光独到,堪称“零失误”。  但是,接下来的十年,她开始面对陌生的东西——批评。在《赎罪》里,演技高手暗暗较劲,除了她,所有人都给予了自己人生中惊艳的表演,就连仅仅出场十几分钟的瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫都轻易盖
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