八月,塞上秋高,金风送爽,鹿城人民喜迎盛事:自 治区两个文明建设经验交流会在包头市召开,第二届 中国·国际草原文化节同时开幕,包头市创建全国文明 城市话动借力升华。 全区2300万各族群众注目包头市,关注包头市如
In August, Qiu Qiu Gao Qiu, golden wind, Lucheng people celebrate the event: Autonomous Region, two civilizations construction experience exchange was held in Baotou City, the second session of China International Grassland Culture Festival opened at the same time, Baotou City to create a national civilized city Then move to sublimation. The region 23 million people of all nationalities attention Baotou City, concerned about Baotou City