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社会的发展和进步 ,越来越需要善于独立思考 ,不因循守旧、循规蹈矩 ,敢于跳出框框 ,立志改革的一代新人。所以 ,从小培养幼儿的独立性、坚强性是幼儿品德教育的一个十分重要的课题 ,它有助于幼儿形成良好的个性品质 ,而且能为今后适应社会生活 ,在事业上不断开拓进取以及获得? Social development and progress require more and more people who are good at thinking independently and not following the rules of the old, behaving in a daring manner and daring to jump out of the box and are determined to reform. Therefore, it is a very important issue for children’s moral education to cultivate young children’s independence and firmness at an early age. It helps children to form a good personality and can adapt themselves to social life in the future.
小学二年级,我突然想写日记。  拿起铅笔,我在旧本子的背面写起了“豆腐块”。开始写不了多少字,但随着阅读量的增加,笔尖仿佛有了无穷活力,越写越带劲儿。为指导同学们的作文,每次老师都把我的作文当作范文朗读、点评,这都得归功于我的“日记”。  每晚睡觉前,就是我梳理一天思绪,写日记的黄金时间。无论多忙,我都不会放弃那短短的几分钟、十几分钟,否则,就会睡不着。而一写完日记,放下笔,躺在床上,不到两分钟,