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到2020年实现全面建成包括广大农村地区在内的小康社会宏伟目标,是中华民族伟大复兴这一“中国梦”的重要内容。当前,我国现代化建设中最薄弱的环节是农业现代化滞后,全面建成小康社会进程中最严重的制约是城乡发展和居民收入差距过大。全面建成小康社会,最繁重、最艰巨的任务在农村。在我省,全面建成小康社会的重点和难点在农村,潜力和希望也在农村。为此,职业教育领域学习贯彻党的十八大精神,认真实施省委省政府关于《江西省现代农业体系建设规划纲要》和《关于加快农业农村转型发展推进城乡一体化的若干意见》,大力推进我省由传统农业大省向现代农业强省跨越的一个迫切而又长期的任务,就是要把思想和行动真正落实到为我省农村全面建成小康社会培养大批优秀职业农民上来。现代农业需要培养职业农民,农民职业化才能发展农村。美国经济学家西奥多·舒尔茨在《改造传统农业》一书中强调,农业同样可以成为亮丽的经济增长点,关键是要提 To achieve the grand goal of building a well-off society in a well-to-do scale including the vast rural areas by 2020 is an important part of the “Chinese Dream” for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At present, the weakest link in our country’s modernization drive is the lagging of agricultural modernization. The most serious constraint in the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way is the disparity between urban and rural development and the income gap between the residents. To build a well-off society in an all-round way, the heaviest and most arduous task is in the countryside. In our province, the key and difficult task of building a well-off society in an all-round way is in the countryside. The potential and hope are also in the rural areas. To this end, the field of vocational education to study and implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, conscientiously implement the provincial party committee and provincial government on the “Outline of Jiangxi Province, the construction of modern agriculture system” and “on accelerating the rural transformation and development of agricultural and rural areas to promote the integration of a number of opinions” vigorously An urgent and long-term task to advance our province from a major traditional agricultural province to a modern agricultural province is to truly implement our thinking and actions to cultivate a large number of outstanding professional peasants for the well-to-do society in rural areas of our province. Modern agriculture needs to cultivate professional peasants, so that peasants can develop their countryside through professionalization. Theodore Schultz, an American economist, emphasized in his book “Reforming Traditional Agriculture,” that agriculture can also become a bright point of economic growth. The key is to mention
摘要:目的:为加强药物临床试验经费管理内部控制。方法:通过建立药物临床试验内部控制线路图,对Z公立医院进行内部控制测试。结果:药物临床试验内部控制存在制度规定、经费收支核算风险、往来款项管理风险、信息沟通传递不畅。结论:基于内部控制视角,结合业财融合观点,提出强化药物临床试验经费管理内部控制措施。  关键词:药物临床试验 经费管理 GCP项目 内部控制  一、Z医院药物临床试验经费管理内部控制现状
摘要:在互联网环境下,财务管理也开始实现数据化转型发展,以能够满足新时期对财务管理水平的要求,借助于互联网技术显著提升财务数据处理质量和效率。本文对新时期财务数据化转型意义及其现实价值展开探讨。  关键词:财务数据化 转型 现实价值  转型是从渐变到突变的过程,是系統性的变革过程,是一场颠覆性的变革。企业财务人员在数字化环境下,在无法抗拒的潮流中,面临的既是机遇也是挑战。为了得到长足发展,只有迎接