香榧,又名中国榧,属于红豆杉科榧树属,是中国特有常绿乔木树种,也是世界上稀有的经济树种。香榧果实生长成熟期为三年第一年开花,第二年结果,第三年成熟,素有“三代果”之称。香榧的果实为坚果,香脆可口,营养价值极高。香榧主要分布于中国浙江诸暨、嵊州、富阳等地,其中,诸暨被国家命名为“中国香榧之都”。2016年8月,摄影爱好者徐宏化先生在浙江省诸暨市东白湖镇国家香榧森林公园用Nikon D7000带Nikkor18-140mmf/3.5-5.6GED VR镜头拍摄。
Hong Kong, also known as Chinese cantharellus, belongs to the genus Taxus, is an endemic evergreen tree species in China and also a rare economic tree species in the world. Sapodilla sumac fruit growth and maturity for the first year of three years flowering, the second year results, the third year of maturity, known as “three generations of fruit,” said. The fruit of Hong Kong is nuts, crispy and delicious, with high nutritional value. Hong Xiang mainly distributed in Zhuji, Zhejiang, China, Shengzhou, Fuyang and other places, of which, Zhuji was named by the state “China Xiangfan capital ”. In August 2016, Mr. Xu Honghua, amateur photographer, took a Nikon D7000 with a Nikkor 18-140mmf / 3.5-5.6GED VR lens at National Xiangfan Forest Park, Dongbahu Town, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province.