往往有青年编辑、记者问:工作几年后为何会进入“平台期”?要让自己整体水平再来个“飞跃”,怎样努力更见成效?经验证明,打好理论功底,正是决定新闻工作者成长进步的关键因素。那么,切入点在哪?个人理论修养的提高与媒体、与社会理论创新关系怎样?为帮助青年新闻工作者有的放矢地思考,实实在在领悟理论功底与理论创新,本刊请《人民日报》评论部主任米博华和新华社山东分社副社长李锦回答了一组问题。 一、如何认识理论创新对一切发展的意义?你认为新闻媒体对解放思想、理论创新的推动作用有哪些? 二、新闻工作者对打好理论功底有渴望,但往往不知从何下手,你是怎样产生对理论问题研究的兴趣? 三、请结合个人实际谈新闻工作者提高理论修养的较实用、有效的方法有哪些? 四、近期读些什么书,思考、研究哪些社科领域的理论问题,哪些新闻理论方面的问题? 五、个人理论修养的提高与全社会理论创新的关系,对新闻媒体理论宣传的建议。
Often there are young editors, the reporter asked: Why do you enter the “platform period” after a few years of work? How can you make more achievements if you want to make a “leap forward” in your own overall level? Experience shows that laying down the theoretical foundation is the key to determining journalism Growth and progress of key factors. So what are the starting points? How can the improvement of individual theoretical training relate to the relationship between the media and social theory innovation? To help young journalists to deliberately target themselves and truly understand the theoretical foundation and theoretical innovations, this magazine invites the People’s Daily commentary Ministry of Industry and the Xinhua News Agency, Shandong Branch Vice President Li Jin answered a group of questions. First, how to understand the significance of theoretical innovation for all developments? What role do you think the news media play in promoting emancipation of minds and theoretical innovation? Second, journalists have the desire to lay down the theoretical foundation but often do not know where to start How do you create interest in the study of theoretical issues? 3. What are the practical and effective ways for journalists to improve their theoretical accomplishments in light of the actual situation of individuals? 4. What books should be read in the near future, and what are the theoretical issues in the field of social science? What news theory? Fifth, the relationship between the improvement of individual theoretical training and the theoretical innovation of the whole society, the Propaganda of the news media theory.