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炎炎夏日,每天最舒服的一件事莫过于下班回家后在卫生间痛快地洗个澡了,一天的辛劳疲惫随着渐沥的流水声荡然无存。然而,一些只有4平方米左右的小户型卫生间,难免让人觉得有些局促。其实,只要在有限的空间范围内,合理的利用好每一处空间,小户型卫生间也同样可以功能齐全,使用顺畅。 Hot summer, the most comfortable thing every day after work than home to take a bath in the bathroom, and a day of hard work tired gradually disappear with the sound of water. However, some only 4 square meters of small size bathroom, inevitably feel a bit cramped. In fact, as long as a limited space, reasonable use of every space, small apartment can also be fully functional, smooth to use.