目的通过对北京市5家使用多台射线装置的单位进行放射工作场所辐射水平现场监测调查,在对监测数据进行统计的基础上,分析射线装置工作场所周围附加剂量率超标的原因,提出应采取的预防措施。方法采用X-γ剂量率仪现场实测射线装置机房实体屏蔽墙外30 cm处的辐射水平。结果所调查的北京市5家使用多台射线装置单位,均存在射线装置机房周围附加剂量率超标现象;机房周围附加剂量率超过评价指标的射线装置数量约占单位射线装置总量的4.9%~11.8%;射线装置机房周围的附加剂量率最大可达判定指标的39.2倍。结论对射线装置的使用单位在辐射安全管理工作上,具有一定的借鉴指导意义。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the radiation dose in the workplace of five radiological installations in Beijing by means of on-site monitoring and investigation of radiation levels in five units using multiple radiological installations in Beijing. Based on the statistical analysis of the monitoring data, Precautionary measures. Methods The X-γ dose rate meter was used to measure the radiation level at 30 cm outside the shielding room of the radiation room. Results The surveyed Beijing 5 units using multiple radiography units all had excessive dose rates around the radiological equipment room. The number of radiological units with additional dose rates exceeding the evaluation index around the machine room accounted for about 4.9% of the total unit radiographic equipment. 11.8%; ray device room around the additional dose rate up to 39.2 times the decision index. Conclusion It is of some significance to guide the use of radiation equipment in radiation safety management.