康江波,陕西西安市人,1973年3月出生,1989年入伍,三年后退役,现为自由职业者。自幼酷爱钓鱼,即使是在纪律严明的军营, 他也会利用节假日的空闲,偷偷地跑到营房附近的小池塘里伸竿,过钓瘾。康江波真正接触悬坠钓法并醉心于竞技垂钓应该是在1995底,启蒙教练为陕西著名垂钓名人——肖维。可以说肖维的指导对康江波垂钓技术及风格的形成具有很大影响。上世纪90年代,以西安碧海为核心的悬
Kang Jiangbo, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, born in March 1973, enrolled in the army in 1989, retired after three years, is now a freelancer. He loved fishing very much. Even in a barrantly disciplined military camp, he would make use of the holidays and spare time to sneak up to the small pond near the barracks for fishing and addiction. Kang Jiangbo really contact with the suspended fishing method and obsessed with competitive fishing should be in the end of 1995, coach of Enlightenment Shaanxi famous fishing celebrity - Xiao Wei. It can be said that Xiao Wei’s guidance has a great influence on the formation of Kang Jiangbo’s fishing technology and style. 90s of last century, the Xi’an blue sea as the core hanging