在分析新型车辆综合电子系统体系结构特征的基础上,采用光纤通道(Fibre Channel,FC)技术,引入功能区和统一网络的概念,提出一种新型车辆综合电子系统FC统一网络体系结构。在此基础上,设计了一种新型车辆综合电子系统FC统一网络拓扑结构初步方案,该方案能够实现系统性能和成本的有效统一,为新型车辆综合电子系统体系结构设计提供了有益参考。
Based on the analysis of the architecture characteristics of the new vehicle integrated electronic system, the concept of FC and unified network is introduced by using Fiber Channel (FC) technology, and a new integrated FC network architecture for vehicle integrated electronic system is proposed. On this basis, a preliminary scheme of FC unified network topology for a new vehicle integrated electronic system is designed. This scheme can effectively realize the unification of system performance and cost, and provides a useful reference for the architecture design of the new vehicle integrated electronic system.