从1951年开始,在日本脑卒中的死亡率一直居第一、二位,1965年死亡率最高时可达10万人口中175.8人。故日本对脑血管疾病方面的研究特别重视,现着重介绍近年来对脑卒中内外科治疗方面的进展。 一、内科治疗方面 1、镁可改善脑循环 最近,日本的岩崎等根据Mg~(++)为天然的Ca~(++)拮抗剂,有扩张血管作用的机制,对改善脑循环的效果进行了研究。他给脑卒中稳定期的42人应用蒸馏水溶解的Mg~(++)(MgSO4)2g,50分钟内静脉点滴,测定前后局部脑血流量(r—CBF)。结果表明,脑卒中患者r—CBF增加20%以上,故认为
Since 1951, the death rate in stroke in Japan has been ranked first and second, with the highest death rate in 1965 reaching 175.8 of the 100,000 population. Therefore, Japan attaches great importance to the study of cerebrovascular diseases and highlights the progress made in the surgical treatment of stroke in recent years. First, the medical treatment 1, magnesium can improve the cerebral circulation Recently, Japan Iwasaki other Mg ~ (++) is a natural antagonist of Ca ~ (++), the mechanism of dilation of blood vessels, to improve the effect of cerebral circulation Were studied. He applied 42 g of Mg (++) (MgSO4) dissolved in distilled water to intravenous drip in 50 minutes to determine the r-CBF before and after stroke. The results showed that stroke patients r-CBF increased more than 20%, so that