犹如科威特的水塔,埃及的金字塔,沙特阿拉伯王国的麦加清真寺尖塔在历史上曾独领风骚一样,20世纪90年代的今天,在北非古国摩洛哥王国的卡萨布兰卡市,伊斯兰教建筑艺术的骄傲——伊斯兰世界规模最大、设备最先进的清真寺,终于神采奕奕地矗立在波涛汹涌的大西洋岸边,成为摩洛哥王国卡萨布兰卡市腾飞的标志,成为名副其实的伊斯兰世界建筑艺术的新景观,而为世人瞩目。 这座占地九公顷,耗资三亿三千万英镑的哈桑二世清真寺,寺内设计富丽堂皇,宏伟的中央
Like Kuwait’s water tower, the pyramids of Egypt, the Mecca mosque minaret in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have historically dominated, the pride of Islamic architectural art in the ancient Moroccan kingdom of Casablanca in the late 1990s - The mosque, the largest and most advanced in the Islamic world, has finally become the symbol of soaring takeoff in the Kingdom of Casablanca in the Kingdom of Morocco. It has finally become the new landscape of Islamic architecture in the real world, attracting worldwide attention. The Hassan II mosque, which occupies 9 hectares and costs 330 million pounds, has a magnificent and magnificent central design