在秋涝和春涝年份中,用什么方法整地能保证小麦播种面积并使其产量不减,我们对此进行了试验和调查,其结果如下。 1.豆茬地从小麦产量上看,秋翻>揭冻块>春耙茬>春翻。在能进行秋翻的地尽量秋翻,但由于秋
In the autumn floods and spring flood years, what method of site preparation can ensure the sown area of wheat and reduce its yield, we have conducted tests and investigations, the results are as follows. 1. Stubble field from the point of view of wheat production, autumn turn> Jie block> spring stubble spring turn. As far as possible in the autumn turn fall turn, but due to autumn