立于明代嘉靖年间的《勒邑侯赵公去思德政碑》 ,真实地记载和反映了古河东地区一位封建官吏为政以德、造福一方的事迹。碑文主人公持节清廉 ,体恤民苦 ,革弊除恶 ,匡正世风以及重视教化、淳厚人伦的政绩 ,在特殊的历史时期和社会层面上 ,调和了封建统治集团与下层百姓的阶级对立和矛盾 ,在一定范围内维护了人民群众的切身利益 ,促进了社会生产力的发展。
Standing in the era of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty, “Le Yihou Zhao Gong to Sidi monument”, a true record and reflect the ancient Hedong region feudal officials for the virtue of virtue, the benefit of a party’s deeds. In the special historical period and social level, the main characters of the inscriptions mediate the class antagonisms and contradictions between the feudal ruling groups and the lower classes of people, Maintained the vital interests of the masses of the people within a certain range and promoted the development of social productive forces.