学术论文的摘要是在论文定稿之后撰写的,其主要目的是为了便于检索,用来刺激读者的“视力初觉”以吸引读者用最少的时间了解原作的概貌,从而决定是否继续深究原作。摘要是否准确客观地反映原作的内容将影响到读者对原作内容的正确理解。如果摘要切实地反映了原作内容,那么读者就能很好地把握和利用原作。为此,必须注意: (一) 要有实事求是的态度 实事求是是撰写论文摘要的最基本的要求,离开了这一点,论文摘要就形同虚设,就失去了生命力。摘要的撰写要充分依据原作内容,做到真实客观,从而作出恰切地摘录。必须做到不添加枝叶,不歪曲事实,更不可无中生有地杜撰。
The abstracts of scholarly essays are written after the final version of the essay. The main purpose of the essay is to facilitate the retrieval and to stimulate the reader’s “initial vision” so as to attract readers to understand the original outline in less time and to decide whether to continue the original work. Whether the content of the abstract is accurately and objectively reflected in the abstract will affect readers’ correct understanding of the original content. If the abstracts truly reflect the original content, then the reader will be able to grasp and make good use of the original. Therefore, we must pay attention to the following points: (1) To be realistic and realistic Seeking truth from facts is the most basic requirement for writing abstracts. With this in mind, abstracts of abstracts lose their vitality. The abstract should be based on the content of the original work, to be true and objective, so as to make a proper excerpt. Must be done without adding branches and leaves, do not distort the facts, but not without any absurdity.