自第9期刊出“读者意见征询表”后,每天都有大摞大摞的信件送到编辑部,大慨可以用“雪片般飞来”形 容了。这里,我们要怀着感激的心情,负责任地告诉参与此项活动的朋友:每一封来信我们都输进了统计软件里。 不仅如此,我们的编辑每天都要传看若干有代表性的意见,以便更广泛地听取大家的心声。“兼听则明”,这句奉 劝纳谏的古训移用在此,也是非常恰切的。本来,作调查不是为了摆摆贴近读者的姿态,而是要切实了解读者对 本刊的意见,以便及时对杂志作出调整。现在电脑和视听界流行一个词,叫“互动”(interact),办杂志也应如 此。把我们的杂志比作游船,读者便是船上的游客,假如驶船的不管客人想看什么样的风景,只管盲目往前赶,
Since the 9th issue of the “Reader’s Opinion Form”, every day a large pile of letters sent to the editorial department, generous can use “snow flakes” described. Here, with a grateful feeling, we tell responsibly our friends who participated in this event: We have entered every letter in the statistical software. Not only that, our editors have to pass on a few representative opinions every day so that we can listen more widely to everyone. It is also very appropriate that the old saying of persuading people to remonstrance should be used here. Originally, for the survey is not to put the reader closer to the attitude, but to effectively understand the reader’s views on the magazine in order to make timely adjustments to the magazine. Nowadays, there is a popular term in computers and audiovisuals, called interact, and magazines. Compared to our magazine as a cruise ship, the reader is the ship’s tourists, if the boat no matter what guests want to see the scenery, just blindly move forward,