患者 男,29岁,因头痛,双眼球突出,视力下降,四肢乏力1个月,于1987年1月23日入院。患者于86年12月24日前额部疼痛,次日加剧,伴呕吐及双眼充血,27日下午5时突然双眼球前突、结膜充血、左眼上险下垂及失明、右眼视力减退。起病后四肢乏力、消瘦,双下肢为甚,需扶持才能站立。患者曾于80年9月因四肢乏力、关节酸痛、双眼充血、鼻塞伴血性溢液、咳嗽、痰中带血、皮损等在我院皮肤科住院,诊断为Wegener’s肉芽肿病。经激素和环磷酰胺治疗后,症状好转,但鼻中膈下塌呈鞍状鼻。出院
Male patient, aged 29, was hospitalized on January 23, 1987 due to a headache, prominent binocular vision, decreased vision, and weakness in the extremities for 1 month. Patients on December 24, 86 in the forehead pain, intensified the next day, with vomiting and congestion of both eyes, at 27 o’clock on the 27th suddenly sudden protrusion of both eyes, conjunctival hyperemia, sagging left eye and blindness on the left eye, right eye vision loss. After the onset of limb weakness, weight loss, even lower limbs, need support to stand. The patient was diagnosed with Wegener’s granulomatosis in our hospital dermatology department in September of 1980 due to weakness of limbs, joint pain, hyperemia of both eyes, stuffy nose with bloody discharge, cough, bloody sputum, skin lesions and the like. After hormone and cyclophosphamide treatment, the symptoms improved, but the nasal septum was saddle nose. Discharged