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一、提高经济效益是推进经济增长方式转变的根本目的和核心问题从经济目标上讲,转变经济增长方式实质上是从以速度为中心转向以效益为中心。速度和效益都重要,都可成为追求的目标。但它们不应当是并列的,它们之中只能有一个可以成为中心目标。过去很长时间,我们把速度作为中心目标,追求不切实际的高速度,忽视经济效益,这是我们经济建设上的一条主要教训。现在,转变经济增长方式一定要落实到效益上,以经济效益为中心目标。以效益为中心,并不排斥速度,而且速度是构成效益的一个不可缺少的要素。这是因为,效益是实现了的有较高价值的产出同稀缺资源投入的比较。以效益为中心,既讲产出又讲投入,既讲数量又讲质量,既关注生产又关注市场现实,既讲当前又注重长远发展。可见,在以效益 I. Improving Economic Benefits Is the Fundamental Purpose and Key Issues in Promoting the Transformation of Economic Growth Modes From an economic goal, the transformation of economic growth mode is essentially centered on turning speed-centered and efficiency-oriented. Speed ​​and effectiveness are important, can be the pursuit of the goal. But they should not be side by side, and only one of them can be the central goal. In the past long time, we took speed as our central goal, pursuing unrealistic high speed and neglecting economic benefits. This is a major lesson in our economic construction. Now, the transformation of economic growth mode must be implemented to benefit, with economic efficiency as the central goal. Benefit-centric, does not exclude speed, and speed is an integral part of the benefits. This is because benefits are realized by the comparison of higher-value output with scarce resource inputs. Taking efficiency as the center, we not only talked about output but also input, both quantity and quality. We not only pay attention to production but also focus on the market reality. We should stress both the present and the long-term development. Can be seen in the benefit
Previous studies have shown that oligodeoxynucleotides containing unmethylated CpG motifs were used asadjuvants for immunoregulation and immune response.This s
Background Previous studies have showed that photooxidative stress can lead to down-modulation of nuclear factor-κappa B (NF-κB) activity causing apoptosis o