
来源 :光谱学与光谱分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ph103
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作为人体体液之一的尿液中含有多种人体新陈代谢的产物以及体内排出的毒素,如果能够对这些组分进行定性分析,就能够在一定程度上有效反映人体器官的健康状况,这是临床医学中重要的研究途径。该实验分别以785和1 030nm激光作为源激发,以具有电磁场增强的金纳米粒子作为基底,利用表面增强拉曼散射光谱(SERS)对临床实验研究中所用的人体新鲜尿液的成份进行快速、无损分析。通过控制金纳米溶胶与尿液原液的混合比例从而来制备一系列具有不同配比的实验样品,并且通过实验我们获得其相应的SERS光谱。由实验结果分析可知,我们能够有效地得到尿液中尿酸、次黄嘌呤等多种成份的SERS光谱。与此同时,我们还研究了在不同波长激光条件下的尿液的SERS光谱。相较于1 030nm的激光,785nm的激光得到的SERS光谱具有较高的分辨率以及较低的背景值。与此同时,利用具有1 030nm激光的便携式拉曼仪对实验样品进行快速、无损分析,有望为临床医学现场、快速分析诊断提供帮助和支持。而且相信,SERS能够在人类健康甚至生物组织的检测等方面提供更加详细的信息。 As one of human body fluids, urine contains many kinds of human metabolism products and toxins discharged from the body. If these components can be qualitatively analyzed, they can effectively reflect the health status of human organs to a certain extent. This is a clinical medicine Important research approach. The experiment uses 785 and 1 030nm laser as the source excitation respectively, with the gold nanoparticles with enhanced electromagnetic field as the substrate, the use of surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy (SERS) for clinical laboratory studies using fresh human urine components for rapid, Non-destructive analysis. By controlling the mixing ratio of gold nano-sol and urine stock solution, a series of experimental samples with different proportions were prepared, and through experiments, we obtained their corresponding SERS spectra. From the experimental results we can see, we can effectively get the urine of uric acid, hypoxanthine and other ingredients SERS spectrum. In the meantime, we also investigated the SERS spectra of urine under different wavelength laser conditions. The SERS spectra of the 785 nm laser have higher resolution and lower background than the 1030 nm laser. In the meantime, the rapid and non-destructive analysis of experimental samples with a portable Raman spectrometer with a laser light of 1 030 nm is expected to provide help and support for on-site clinical diagnosis and rapid diagnosis. And believe that, SERS can provide more detailed information on human health and even the detection of biological tissues.
20 0 3年7月2 3日下午,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所门前多了一群朝气蓬勃的女孩儿,她们是今年水洞沟遗址发掘的志愿者,正等待向宁夏灵武“进军”……水洞沟遗址是中
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